Use the security code for SKYRC product authentication

Please enter the 12 digits security code

Please enter the 12 digits security code
Verification code is incorrect
Please enter verification code
Notice: if your security code is 16 digits, please verify here:

How to get the security code

The security code can be found on the back of the product. You can scratch and get the 12 digits security code.

Like below example:

If the security code can not be found on the back of the product or it is different as illustrated, you may have a non-genuine SKYRC product.

Search Result

You security code is genuine SKYRC made

This security code has been checked 1 times

You security code is genuine SKYRC made

This security code has been checked 1 time

If it is not you who checked the 1 times, please make sure if the product comes from official channel!

The security code you are checking does not exist, please check carefully and re-enter it

What does it mean if a security code has been check for times?

Each security code only corresponds to 1 SKYRC product, and only you own it.

If your security code has been checked for times and it is not you who check it, then the product may be non-genuine SKYRC made.